Friday, August 28, 2015

Vimana Design Strategic

The  design  strategy  is  carry  out  joint  with  Chihuahua Design  and it  is  simple,  only,  we  create  start  morphos  and  we  do  it  evolutioning in  the  time .  Is  a  design  strategy   "Sony  type"  .  We  beggining   with  our  design  strategy,  in  a  first   stage  of  the  "first   Generation"  (2020-2030)  of  G-cars   with  morphologies    "inoffensives"  (egg, frog,  turttle,  and  jellyfish)   and  after  when  we are  consolidated  in  the  market,  we  doing  entry the  other  morfologies  more  "aggressives"  one  "goddess   strategy" .  

Each  vehicle ,  of  this  first  generation,   will  carry   name  of  some  mexican  native  culture , and   more  forward  change  it  to   names  of  hindi mitology.   The  G-cars  will   be  completly  make   with   robots  and  because   it   fly  and  have  low   vibration  level,  it  will  be  enterely   manufactured  with   fibers,  without  bolts  neither   rivets ,  all   joined  to  pressure,   welding  or  friction. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Lemon G-1" The Firts Levitation Engine

Illustring  the  evolution  process of  G-1
...: "the  recipe"

...Theortical  Analysis

...All  the  science  response  in  the  
gyroscope  effect...

going  all  it  to  the  limit...

someone  of   the  trusth  power... 

..Engineering  and  compactness

                              ...more  engineering  and  more  compactness...

....a  pinch  of  refinement

.... Design...

and of  course  the  final  touch ...Styling